April 24th – the Ethereal Call of the Wood Thrush

The ethereal call of the Wood Thrush has returned to Ruthven Park with one heard calling from the woods on the other side of Hwy 54. With the warm temperatures forecast for the weekend – can the drone of the mosquito be far behind?
There was a short rain shower just before dawn and flashes of lightning off in the distance but the weather quickly cleared and allowed for the opening of nets. All in all the day was fairly slow but it is hard to complain because the weather was just glorious. 
The most notable occurrence of the day (at least in the avian sense – Michelle Kenny’s visit prior to her forthcoming benthic adventures out east, Christine bringing tea and donuts, and the descent of Andrea and her enthusiastic PD Day Camp charges upon the station are all arguably more notable) was the recapture of a pair of Pine Siskins. One was a female with a prominent brood patch, the other a male with a slightly less prominent (sorry fella) CP. Since Pine Siskins can breed at any time, this is likely confirmation of their breeding at Ruthven Park.
Cabbage Whites are appearing in number and Wild Strawberry flowers are now in bloom.
Banded: 24
American Goldfinch 8
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet 5
Chipping Sparrow 1
Slate-Coloured Junco 1
Swamp Sparrow 1
Tree Swallow 1
Brown-Headed Cowbird 2
White-Throated Sparrow 2
Red-Winged Blackbird 3
American Goldfinch 4
Slate-Coloured Junco 4
Pine Siskin 2
Song Sparrow 4
White-Breasted Nuthatch 1 (in the ground trap in front of the mansion)
Fox Sparrow 1
Brown-Headed Cowbird 1
Blue Jay 1
46 species recorded during the day.

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