April 3rd & 4th – Unsettled Weather

Tree Swallow cruising low over the river looking for emerging insects.   -R. Camasta

Tree Swallow cruising low over the river looking for emerging insects. -R. Camasta

Yesterday light SW winds brought temperatures of 15 degrees. Some species took advantage of the conditions to move on. Waterfowl, which had been plentiful (and diverse) over the past week, were sparse and we didn’t see any swans. But….Tree Swallows seem to have moved into the area in good numbers; we counted 16 in the immediate area (some even checking out the nesting boxes by the parking lot) but Matt Timpf reported he had 100+ just across the river plus the first Barn Swallow of the year. We also had an influx of Golden-crowned Kinglets, banding 11, 10 of which were males. I also heard the first American Woodcock of the year peenting up by nets 5-7 in the predawn.
Male Eastern Bluebird trying to hold onto a nesting box.   -R. Camasta

Male Eastern Bluebird trying to hold onto a nesting box. -R. Camasta

But last night the winds turned to the W and then NW, ushering in several hours worth of rain and then plummeting temperatures. When I headed out this morning it was -5 C and the wind was biting. Consequently birds were few and far between.
This male Downy Woodpecker is in its 9th year!  -R. Camasta

This male Downy Woodpecker is in its 9th year! -R. Camasta

We have been getting a lot of retraps: 32 yesterday and 29 today. Some of the Downy Woodpeckers are quite old. One male was banded in 2007 as a second year bird putting him into his 9th year. Quite an age for a small bird.
One of 11 Golden-crowned Kinglets banded on the 3rd.  -R. Camasta

One of 11 Golden-crowned Kinglets banded on the 3rd. -R. Camasta

April 3rd; Banded 30:
1 Blue Jay
3 Black-capped Chickadees
11 Golden-crowned Kinglets
1 American Robin
1 Northern Cardinal
1 American Tree Sparrow
3 Song Sparrows
3 Dark-eyed Juncos
6 American Goldfinches

Species Count: 36 spp.

Blue Jay - an imposing bird in the hand.   -R. Camasta

Blue Jay – an imposing bird in the hand. -R. Camasta

April 4th; Banded 19:

4 Mourning Doves
2 Golden-crowned Kinglets
1 American Robin
1 American Tree Sparrow
4 Song Sparrows
4 Dark-eyed Juncos
3 American Goldfinches

Species Count: 32 spp.

Turkey Vultures surveying the landscape from the Mansion chimney.   -R. Camasta

Turkey Vultures surveying the landscape from the Mansion chimney. -R. Camasta


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