Selkirk – July 6th, 2006
Started up Selkirk today for the fall sesson. When opening it was discovered that the top 4 trammel shelf strings were cut/chewed about 3 inches from the loops on one net. It took close to 2 hours restringing the trammel lines and spicing pieces to fit. It appears either a squirrel or a mouse may have been after nesting material. Never the less a real pain to start the season off with.
Banding wise a bit of a surprise, have 15 retraps and banded the following: MODO 1, BCCH 6, HOWR 1, VEER 1, AMRO 4, GRCA 3, BRTH 1, CEDW 5, YWAR 2, COYE 1, NOCA 2, RBGR 2, INBU 1, SOSP 9, SWSP 1, COGR 1, BAOR 2, AMGO 2 = 45
The Veery is the first encountered in the park during the nesting season over the 9 summers banding has taken place. The same could be said for a MYWA singing as if on territory south of the banding trailer. MYWA occassionally show up very late in July but these appear to be birds that are moving around while in the process of molting.
Today (July 8th) I encountered 11+ Veery’s in the Haldimand Slough Forest while doing the Forest Bird Monitoring Program point counts that I’ve been doing there for many years. This is an unusually high number for this species on this count.