While I’m away in sunny Svalbard (right now it’s always sunny) Nancy Furber has been holding down the fort at Ruthven. Here’s her report for the last few days:
Birds Banded
June 15, 2011 – 5 Barn Swallow nestlings, 4 American Robin nestlings; these were all done at the barn across the highway.
June 16, 2011 – A Grade 6/7 class of 20 students from J.L. Mitchener, Cayuga were visiting the banding lab. I had enough birds to allow each student the opportunity to release a bird. The morning went well. Natalie did a great job scribing for me. There were 12 birds banded of 5 spp. and 15 birds retrapped of 10 spp.
June 21 – 4 Barn Swallow nestlings (at the barn)
Purple Martin totals – There is a total of 40 eggs… WOW!!
– The south apartment (24 nest holes or ‘compartments’, and 2 gourds)…. there is a total of 28 eggs, an additional 13 nests (9 with no lining, 4 with vegetation), and only 3 empty compartments.
-The north apartment (24 nest hole or ‘compartments’, and 3 gourds)… there is a total of 12 eggs, an additional 7 nests (2 with no lining, 3 vegetation, 2 bits of grass), and 14 empty compartments (includes 2 of the gourds).
– There were two dead Marins (both Subadult Males) found inside two different compartments.
The Cerulean Warbler was calling near Net Lane #10 on June 16! Christine, Chris, and I have been hearing the warbler calling in the wood lot north of the farm lane. On June 13, all three of us heard the bird calling at different times throughout the day.