June 3rd – Cerulean Warbler!!

It’s funny how things go sometimes. When Christine Madliger first came out to Ruthven with Mac’s biodiversity program she was a “tree person”, in fact, if I recall correctly, she did her undergrad project on trees at Ruthven. But somewhere along the line she got interested in and then hooked on birds to the point that she is now doing a Master’s studying Tree Swallows. Weird, eh?
Anyway…..in the course of doing her Tree Swallow field work, she came upon a singing Cerulean Warbler at Ruthven and it has been there for at least the last 3 days (Nancy Furber confirmed its presence again today).
The bird is in the woods directly across from the entrance to the park. Yesterday it could be heard from the highway; today it was further in….but still there and singing strong.


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