March 20th – A Walk in the Park

Anther view of the River Trail at high water.

River Trail in flood.

No banding this morning – just a nice walk through the banding/census areas to get a sense of what birds are around and/or are on the move. Tundra Swans (124) and Canada Geese (300+) were certainly moving – all (except for the local pairs of Canada Geese) were headed WSW, probably looking for the marshes around Turkey Point. One large V-flock of swans contained 5 Canada Geese. There were a few Turkey Vultures about and a smattering of ducks: Mallards, Wood Ducks, American Wigeon, Northern Pintails, Common Goldeneyes, and Common Mergansers. A new (for the year) passerine was Brown-headed Cowbird. We’ll see lots of these before the Spring is done. In the space of 2 hours I encountered 32 species.


View of the River Trail at high water.

View of the River Trail at high water.

Although there hasn’t been any precipitation for some time now, the Grand River is at the top of its banks, indicating that control dams further upstream have been opened to make way for more melt and rain in the upper watershed. The low-lying parts of the River Trail are, again, under water….so wear boots if you’re going that way.


River at top of banks.

Khyam the Wonder Dog taking in the cresting river.

Slink Island lookout spot...under water.

Slink Island lookout spot....under water.

Refurbished banding lab - ready for the Spring

Refurbished banding lab - ready for the Spring

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