May 26th – Nearly Done

Opening in moon light.

Opening in moon light.

This blog is probably starting to sound like a broken record (and if you understand this analogy then you’re really dating yourself). Opening nets under a brilliant moon…..cold early morning temperatures…..clear skies…..warming up by mid morning….and VERY SLOW BANDING.

The only birds we encountered that were likely to continue north were a single Philadelphia Vireo and Magnolia Warbler. Every other bird we banded was likely a local breeder. They carried no fat. And they were young or SY (Second Year) birds suggesting that they don’t have a territory or mate and are moving around looking for a niche. Either they were too late returning or not strong or “attractive” or tough enough to secure a quality territory or mate.

An Eastern Kingbird in the hands of a VERY keen young birder.

An Eastern Kingbird in the hands of a VERY keen young birder.

We have another 5 days of banding to go but I’m not expecting much to change (although I would love to be pleasantly surprised). But there’s no question that the vast bulk of the migration has moved through and….we missed it. For whatever reason(s).
The outer (far left) primary indicates that this Eastern Kingbird is a female.

The outer (far left) primary indicates that this Eastern Kingbird is a female.

Banded 19:
1 Mourning Dove
1 Eastern Wood Pewee
1 Eastern Kingbird
1 Blue Jay
2 House Wrens
1 Gray Catbird
1 Warbling Vireo
1 Philadelphia Vireo
2 Yellow Warblers
1 Magnolia Warbler
1 Northern Cardinal
2 Indigo Buntings
1 Red-winged Blackbird
2 Baltimore Orioles

ET’s: 58 spp.


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