May 31st – We Did It!

Banding #2035 for a new Spring record - a Veery. -H. Scholtens

Although we may band tomorrow (for educational purposes) if weather permits, today marked the official end of this year’s Spring migration monitoring. I will write more about the season over the next few days but we had records in 3 significant areas that I would like to mention now:
– we banded 2045 birds; 11 more than the previous record. (#2035 was a Veery)
– we had 1,152 more volunteer hours!
– we 368 more visitors

Hannah decides she wants to be a REAL bander - and bake muffins.

Following is a gallery of photos that will paint a picture of the past few days:

Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird at the window feeder. -C. Scholtens

Off in search of banded baby Killdeer.

Feather detail of a SY male Rose-breasted Grosbeak - note the brown juvenile wing and tail feathers.

Elaine with a male Indigo Bunting.

Doing census. -C. Jones

How many people does it take to check Purple Martin boxes? -C. Jones

-H. Scholtens

Veery - #2035! -H. Scholtens

Snail and blossoms. -H Scholtens

Fungus. -H. Scholtens

Nancy with a Rose-breasted Grosbeak -E. Serena

Garter Snake sunning on a log. -D. Green

The Larks Xtreme birding group make it to the train bridge. - D. Green

Six-spotted Tiger Beetle. -D. Green

Map Turtle. - D. Green

Two snails in the hand are worth one in the water....or something like that. -D. Green

4 thoughts on “May 31st – We Did It!

  1. Congrats of the record! I’m sure the visitor numbers will go up even more next year, we tell every one we meet what a fantastic place Ruthven is to visit. See you Sept. 29th for the festival, if not before. 🙂

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