Please note: The October 24th-25th post has been updated.
October 27th
A cold bitter day made for a cold bitter bander. At least until dawn. A spectacular sunset with shades of fire orange and crimson did much to restore flagging spirits, as did the fact that the rain mostly held off until the nets were closed.
Many birds around, although they were for the most part quiet.
Banded 73:
AMGO 23 – American Goldfinch
RCKI 4 – Ruby-crowned Kinglet
GCKI 3 – Golden-crowned Kinglet
SCJU 14 – Slate-colored Junco
ATSP 13 – American Tree Sparrow
HOFI 4 – House Finch
EABL 2 – Eastern Bluebird
SOSP 2 – Song Sparrow
HETH 3 – Hermit Thrush
WTSP 2 – White-throated Sparrow
FOSP – Fox Sparrow
NOCA 2 – Nothern Cardinal
Retrapped 4:
AMGO – American Goldfinch
BCCH – Black-capped Chickadee
HETH – Hermit Thrush
SCJU – Slate-colored Junco
A great sun rise to start the day but the clouds rolled in shortly thereafter. Enough of a breeze from the east to make it a chilling day when out in the open. A few sprinkles shortly after noon prompted an early close down so that when we got back to the park gates a light rain was starting in ernest.Banding wise a decent day.
BRCR 1 – Brown Creeper
GCKI 16 – Golden-crowned Kinglet
RCKI 8 – Ruby-crowned Kinglet
HETH 6 – Hermit Thrush
BHVI 1 – Blue-headed Vireo
MAWA 1 – Magnolia Warbler
BTBW 1 -Black-throated Blue Warbler
NOCA 1 – Northern Cardinal
FOSP 1 – Fox Sparrow
WTSP 2 – White-throated Sparrow
EWCS 1 – Eastern White-crowned Sparrow
SCJU 7 – Slate-colored Junco
October 26th
A cool start after a fairly clear night but it clouded over a bit and then it was sunny breaks for most of the morning with next to no wind. Never got that warm but no cutting wind chill to contend with.Bird wise it seemed fairly quiet compared to the past few days. Not as many blackbirds, robins etc going over nor the chorus of White-throated Sparrow along the edge of the marsh and the hedge rows. However a good number of Eastern Bluebird going over, perhaps 100’s. It was a bit of a surprise of how well the day went when the day’s effort was totaled. Actually a darn good day!!!
Banded: DOWO 1, EAPH 1, BLJA 2, BCCH 2, RBNU 1, BRCR 2, GCKI 46, RCKI 7, HETH 4, ATSP 1, FOSP 4, SOSP 1, SWSP 3, EWCS 1, SCJU 11, AMGO 6 (the first banded since mid Sept.!!!!) = 93