September 25th – Still Slow Going

The Future - James (scribing) and Ben (weighing) under Nancy's guidance.

It was a warm morning, with very little breeze. The nets were full
of leaves and very few birds. My steps for the net checks became
shorter and slower as the heat of the day increased, few birds to
extract and the task ahead to clear all of the leaves from the nets
at closing. Despite the low number of birds handled, there were
people visiting today who enjoyed their time and the opportunity to
see the banding program at Ruthven Park. Seeing the birds and then
releasing them after was a highlight. So, it was more of a day to
teach, and allow others to band and scribe.

An "anomalous" male - originally banded in 2010.

Banded 16:
2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
3 Gray-cheeked Thrushes
2 Gray Catbirds
1 Red-eyed Vireo
3 Magnolia Warblers
1 Common Yellowthroat
1 Chipping Sparrow
2 White-throated Sparrows
1 American Goldfinch

Another view of the anomalous male. We know of at least 3 like this in the area.

Retrapped 9:
1 Eastern Tufted Titmouse
2 Black-capped Chickadees
1 White-breasted Nuthatch
1 House Wren
1 Gray Catbird
1 Nashville Warbler
1 Blackpoll Warbler
1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak

ET’s: 33 spp.

Birds banded per 100 net hours: 13



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