September 9th, 2006

Big “Fallout” at Ruthven

Last night started off clear but a front moved through bringing heavy overcast. This caused a lot of birds to cease their migration and hunker down. It seems that a lot did in the Ruthven area.

We banded 101 birds this morning of 34 species. Of the birds banded 51 of them were warblers of 17 species. Needless to say, it was a most interesting (and rewarding) morning.

Banded 101: 4 EAWP, 2 YBFL, 2 TRFL, 1 LEFL, 5 BCCH, 3 HOWR, 1 VEER, 3 SWTH, 2 GRCA, 1 WAVI, 1 PHVI, 14 REVI, 2 TEWA, 1 NAWA, 1 YWAR, 3 CSWA, 1 NOPA, 10 MAWA, 2 BTBW, 7 BTNW, 1 BLBW, 4 BBWA, 6 BLPW, 1 BAWW, 3 AMRE, 1 MOWA, 3 COYE, 3 WIWA, 2 CAWA, 1 SCTA, 2 RBGR, 4 INBU, 2 SOSP, 2 AMGO.

Retrapped 13: 1 DOWO, 4 BCCH, 2 WBNU, 2 GRCA, 1 WAVI, 1 PHVI, 1 YTVI, 1 MAWA.



Still another slow day at Selkirk. A bit more variety but no numbers.

Banded: EAWP 1, BCCH 1, SWTH 2, AMRO 1, REVI 2, NAWA 1, MAWA 2, BLPW 2, WIWA 1, NOCA 1, SOSP 1, AMGO 2 = 17

Large dragon flies continue to go through in mass.


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