What a lovely day! Cool at first but warmed up. Blue skies and low winds. And LOTS of birds. I can’t get over how productive the field edge continues to be since we took out so much buckthorn, built brush piles out of the slash, and transplanted dogwood. Again, there was a surge of sparrow activity all along the edge and we were able to tap into it (se banding results below). The field just has so much more life. Six species of sparrows, killdeer, and Red-winged Blackbirds and American Robins making forays into it, bouncing back and forth between the food it offers and the protection offered by the edge.
It’s good to have a keen and capable young naturalist like Liam helping out as you can depend on his identifications and his energy seems boundless. The new census route is working out well and gives a pretty good picture of what is at the main site, especially what birds are using the “new” field. And observations made while checking out the far side of the pond and the river add to our totals – which are quite respectable for this time of year.
There were lots of things to take in today:
– a Canada Goose nest on the far side of the pond with 3 eggs
– the pair of Blue-winged Teal acting as if they are nesting
– a pair of Wood ducks (maybe 2 pairs) also acting as if they’re nesting
– We first noticed the Osprey yesterday. Today it was being harassed by an adult Bald Eagle.
– The pond is alive with frogs – we are hearing Chorus, Leopard, and Spring Peepers – and a Painted Turtle found a good log to sun on.
– And frogs are attracting snakes. We came across a group of 5 Garter Snakes that most likely had just emerged from their hibernaculum.
– And of course there’s always the camaraderie that abounds around the picnic table with the exchange of great ideas. Karen and Liam are convinced that it would be nothing to erect and run a net system across the pond. Right…..
Banded 32:
1 American Robin
3 American Goldfinches
20 American Tree Sparrows
3 Dark-eyed Juncos
1 Savannah Sparrow
2 Song Sparrows
1 Swamp Sparrow
1 Red-winged Blackbird
Species Count: 44