Glancaster – Oriole Migration (August 25, 26, 27, 28, 31st)

Well, it looks like most of the Baltimore Orioles have pushed past me and headed south.  I did have one at my feeder this morning, but the numbers I had last week are not repeating this week.  My total banded for BAORs this spring/summer was 37 with only one caught away from my feeder net.

Also really neat this past week was the number of young birds I have been catching down in my field nets.  These confirm species I suspected were breeding there seemed to have had success raising at least one brood and it’s nice to see the evidence in hand (also great for the Breeding Bird Atlas, had to put that plug in for Liam).  Young birds this week were the Warbling Vireo, Common Yellowthroat, Swamp Sparrow, Cedar Waxwing, Blue Jay and Indigo Bunting.

Feeding hummingbird after banding.

Katie, seen here holding a Hairy Woodpecker, brought her 3 kids out for an exciting morning of banding.

One thing Liam did NOT learn this summer on his field trips, was how to straighten the poles holding the nets. He has now been schooled in how to do this and is available for hire.

A sure sign Liam has been here…

My first adult CEDW with some brilliant red, waxy tips. They have been feasting on the wild grapes, as you can see from the stains on my hand.

Young Indigo Bunting

American Goldfinch – 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch – 1
Warbling Vireo – 1
Common Yellowthroat – 2
Swamp Sparrow – 1
Black-Capped Chickadee – 3
Bay-breasted Warbler – 1
Indigo Bunting – 1
Song Sparrow – 6
Downy Woodpecker – 1
Cedar Waxwing – 1
Baltimore Oriole – 3
Gray Catbird – 3
American Robin – 1
Blue Jay – 6
Common Grackle – 1

Downy Woodpecker –2
Black-capped Chickadee – 7
European Starling – 1
Baltimore Oriole – 1
Hairy Woodpecker – 1

Total: 55 (33 Banded, 12 recaps) with 2 addition Ruby-throated Hummingbirds also banded this week with Nancy. One was a young male, the other a young female.

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