September 9th – Up And Running

Getting us off to a great start: Renessa, Karen, Aliya, Rayaan, and Rob. -DOL

Blue Jays have been calling…wanting to know what’s been keeping me from starting up. Well….I was sampling the warblers on Grand Manan Island for a few days and recuperating from a long sea venture. But they were right: it’s time to get going. It was great to have all the help this morning! We had to finish clearing a couple of lanes, put up some nets, and…band some birds. We put up 6 nets and I was thinking of doing the last 3 but the crew reminded me how much others like to put them up so, reluctantly, I held off so that others can reap the reward.

Swamp creatures…..putting up nets in a wetland while evading (unsuccessfully) mosquitoes. -DOL

Sparrows were moving along the edges and a number of warblers flitted up high and we were able to tap into them between net set-ups. We ended up banding 20 birds. Renessa had talked about how nice it would be to handle a Cedar Waxwing and, sure enough, her dream came true.

Renessa with her dream bird – Cedar Waxwing.

Rayaan indicated he was getting a little tired of just watching and, sure enough, he ended up banding his first bird (a Song Sparrow).

Rayaan with his Song Sparrow. -RG

Banded 20:
1 Least Flycatcher
2 House Wrens
1 Carolina Wren
1 Cedar Waxwing

Female Cedar Waxwing with 6 “waxy tips”. -RJV

8 Song Sparrows
1 Swamp Sparrow
1 Tennessee Warbler
2 Common Yellowthroats
1 Bay-breasted Warbler
2 Indigo Buntings

ET’s: 40 spp.

Mobile bird censusing. -RG


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