April 15 – SNOW!



It came as no surprise, it was in the forecast for today – an Arctic Cold Front bringing colder air, NW winds, and snow (2-4 cm) to South Western/Central Ontario. Through the morning, nothing was left untouched with the heavy, wet snowfall. Before the temperatures dropped this morning, the rainfall from yesterday caused flooding along the Grand River. Liz and I started out on a census but the river trail was flooded and we had to detour our census route.

The banding efforts focused on ground traps this morning and there were a variety of birds to band and a number of interesting retraps. Some of the retraps included a Field Sparrow (banded in 2012 but never recaught in 2013), and six Chipping Sparrows that were banded within the last two years and this was the first time we’ve seen them this spring. Despite the cold weather, there were three Purple Martins at the apartments but not one Tree Swallow around the park. We saw a number of swallows flying down by the river.

Banded 9:
1 Chipping Sparrow
4 Slate-coloured Junco
4 American Goldfinch

ET’s: 25


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