April 17 – ‘Listen’

Early Morning Songs of the Purple Martins

Early Morning Songs of the Purple Martins

Yes, it’s early in the mornings when we wake up in the dark and the nets need to be opened before first light. Some mornings are easier to wake up and maybe I can say this because once I’m up and moving I’m ready for the day. It’s all worth it though during this stirring moment of time in the early morning hours – a time when the birds begin to sing, the sun just begins to break the horizon, and the day is fresh and new. This morning I was surrounded by the song of White-throated Sparrows, Purple Martins, Wild Turkeys, American Robins, Song Sparrows, Northern Cardinals, and an Eastern Phoebe. At this time of year, the hope of hearing or seeing new birds arrive for the season is always anticipated.

Yesterday, April 16 it was a different day at the lab. The Grand River was flooded and the nets were frozen. I had to wait for over an hour to open only a select few nets (the other nets were still frozen) and Carol and I had to detour the census route because of the flooding. The River Trail, the Fox Den Trail, and the Carolinian Trail were all under water!!

Today, April 17 was a little warmer but the temperatures were still cool with the winds from the northeast. Despite that, we banded the first Hermit Thrush, and we saw our first Broad -wing Hawk and Bank Swallow of the season.

April 16 … Banded 23
ET’s – 37

April 17 … Banded 28
1 Morning Dove
2 Northern Flicker
4 Golden-crowned Kinglet
1 Hermit Thrush
1 American Robin
1 Northern Cardinal
2 Chipping Sparrow
1 Field Sparrow
1 Song Sparrow
2 White-throated Sparrow
7 Red-winged Blackbird
4 Brown-headed Cowbird
1 American Goldfinch

ET’s: 46


Flood Waters of the Grand River

Flood Waters of the Grand River

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

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