April 18th, 2006


It was a beautiful cloudless morning at Ruthven. And, like Selkirk, lovely weather in April usually doesn’t result in very good banding for us. And so it went today.

We banded only 18: 1 EAPH, 1 BCCH, 1 HETH, 1 CHSP, 2 SOSP, 3 SCJU, 1 RWBL, 8 AMGO.

We also only handled 10 retraps: 1 BCCH, 2 NOCA, 1 CHSP, 1 FISP, 1 SOSP, 1 WTSP, 2 SCJU, 1 AMGO. The SOSP was originally banded as an AHY bird in April 2003; the two NOCA’s were banded in 2004 – the male in September and the female in April.

Four COLO’s went over this morning – all early. The two at 6:10 were heading due north; the two at 6:27…well, one was headed north and passed another heading south.

The pictures are of Georgian Bay in the Tobermory area. I took part in our annual family backpacking trip over the weekend. I encountered (either saw or heard) a number of loons in these waters. Nice to think of the birds passing overhead making for these waters. It’s probably just a staging area though as most will be heading farther north.



Another nice day but again no small passerines in the banding area. A few birds moved in late in the morning to at least make the day worthwhile.

Banded: MODO 1, YBSA 1, RCKI 1, HETH 4, AMRO 2, WTSP 1, SCJU 5, BHCO 1, AMGO 3 = 19


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