December 3rd – Just For Fun

Erich and Rita Bauer are currently on a 2-month jaunt in Florida. They sent me the following newspaper clipping:

Tough Ducks In Florida

Joanne Fleet took a break from her regular regime of spending 12 hours per day poring over bird guides and journal articles, to go through some tabloids and came up with the following….uncanny…picture.

Rick Ludkin look-alike.....apparently (thanks Joanne!) - Bruce Willis

For comparison - all that's lacking is the bank account.....

You can understand her confusion when you check off the similarities:
– graying facial hair…..check
– bald pate…..check
– engaging smile…..check
– rugged good looks….check
– latent sensuality….check
– enormous bank account……hmmm…there’s the difference.


2 thoughts on “December 3rd – Just For Fun

  1. Bruce would never be caught wearing a geeky bird shirt! And I think maybe you have more hair… maybe?

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