February 6th – A March Day in Early February

Long-tailed Duck and Red-breasted Merganser

This anomalous Winter continues. What to do when there’s no snow and no Snow Buntings….? In the chance that this weather will translate into an early Spring, I started to do (semi) regular daily census at Ruthven to document this possibility. As the current conditions don’t ‘push’ birds to use the feeders, it was pretty meager this morning – only 14 species.

Long-tailed Ducks.

I decided to take advantage of the clear blue skies and 11 degree temperature by going roller-blading on the trail along Lake Ontario. The canal that leads from Lake Ontario into Hamilton Bay is an excellent place to see Long-tailed Ducks and Red-breasted Mergansers.

Red-breasted Merganser

Long-tailed Ducks

Herring Gull - waiting to steal a meal.


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