May 16th, 2006


I had a late start this morning, as the rain did not end until after 7am. The sky was full of black clouds, and it was spitting rain again as I drove home about 2 o’clock.

Three of Dr Pat Chow Fraser’s summer team were out this morning, so it was nice to have some young enthusiastic birders visit.

Again, I was hesitant to open all the nets, with the weather so unpredictable. This has been a very slow moving Low Pressure cell, dominating the weather here for the last 6 days!

Only 12 birds were banded this morning, in part due to the late start, and in part due to running fewer nets.

Banded (12): 1 RCKI, 1 BWWA, 1 NAWA, 1 YWAR, 2 MAWA, 2 RBGR, 1 BAOR, 2 AMGO.

Retrapped (6): 1 HAWO, 2 GRCA, 1 BAOR, and 2 AMGO.

Of the retraps, we have seen all but one bird already this spring. The one remaining bird was an AMGO originally banded in 04, and not seen since. The HAWO has been handled 8 times, and was originally banded in ’02. He was kind of neat, because he had a partial brood patch.


Selkirk was closed today.

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