May 24th – 28/20

Census - Giovanni at one with the world around him.    -E. Campanelli

Census – Giovanni at one with the world around him. -E. Campanelli

The slow, late Spring pace continues. We banded only 28 birds but….they represented 20 species, including: 4 flycatchers, 3 thrushes, and 9 warblers. So each net run was run with expectation – you just never knew what you might find.
The look of the future: Ben banding, Samuel scribing.

The look of the future: Ben banding, Samuel scribing.

Banded 28:
1 Eastern Wood Pewee
1 Least Flycatcher
1 Eastern Phoebe
1 Great Crested Flycatcher
1 Eastern Bluebird
1 Wood Thrush
1 American Robin
1 Gray Catbird
1 Blue-winged Warbler
1 Tennessee Warbler
3 Yellow Warblers
1 Chestnut-sided Warbler
1 Magnolia Warbler
1 Blackpoll Warbler
1 Canada Warbler
1 American Redstart
3 Common Yellowthroats
2 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks
3 Song Sparrows
2 American Goldfinches

Species Count: 66 spp.

Photo Gallery:

Chipping Sparrows in the blossoms.    -E. Campanelli

Chipping Sparrows in the blossoms. -E. Campanelli

Wild Phlox.    -E. Campanelli

Wild Phlox. -E. Campanelli

Female Canada Warbler.

Female Canada Warbler.

Male Eastern Bluebird.

Male Eastern Bluebird.

Wing detail of the ASY male Eastern Bluebird.

Wing detail of the ASY male Eastern Bluebird.

Cute little squirrel? Or deadly predator of bird eggs, nestlings....and even adult birds?  -E. Campanelli

Cute little squirrel? Or deadly predator of bird eggs, nestlings….and even adult birds? -E. Campanelli

This male Blue-winged Warbler is at least 6 years old. Note the gold wingbars - a genetic intrusion. In those days we still saw the occasional Golden-winged Warbler.

This male Blue-winged Warbler is at least 6 years old. Note the gold wingbars – a genetic intrusion. In those days we still saw the occasional Golden-winged Warbler.

Crane Fly.     -E. Campanelli

Crane Fly. -E. Campanelli


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