May 25th – Drawing To A Close

Stunning male Mourning Warbler.

Stunning male Mourning Warbler.

The end is nigh…..sounds almost portentous doesn’t it? But you can feel it. By far most of the birds you see or hear now are locally breeding ones. Migrants in the nets are now the exception. Sure, there may still be a few “good” days left, but the migration is drawing down.
Brilliant male Canada Warbler.

Brilliant male Canada Warbler.

Like yesterday, the first net round turned up interesting species – Mourning Warbler, for example – but the rest of the morning’s runs produced very little of interest (unless, of course, you were a young visitor – or young at heart visitor – in which case, every bird was a treat).
Female Blackburnian Warbler.

Female Blackburnian Warbler.

Carol showing the correct way to display a stunning male Mourning Warbler.

Carol showing the correct way to display a stunning male Mourning Warbler.

Banded 20:
1 Traill’s Flycatcher
1 Gray Catbird
1 Warbling Vireo
1 Tennessee Warbler
1 Yellow Warbler
1 Magnolia Warbler
1 Blackburnian Warbler
2 American Redstarts
1 Northern Waterthrush
1 Mourning Warbler
2 Common Yellowthroats
2 Wilson’s Warblers
2 Canada Warblers
3 Song Sparrows

ET’s: 56 spp.

Photo Gallery (thanks to Sharvani Joseph):

-S. Joseph

-S. Joseph

Mourning Dove...and proud new birding afficianado.    -S. Joseph

Mourning Dove…and proud new birding afficianado. -S. Joseph

Gray Catbird.    -S. Joseph

Gray Catbird. -S. Joseph

-S. Joseph

-S. Joseph

Male Canada Warbler   -S. Joseph

Male Canada Warbler -S. Joseph

Blue Jay.    -S. Joseph

Blue Jay. -S. Joseph

Male Indigo Bunting - always a treat.   -S. Joseph

Male Indigo Bunting – always a treat. -S. Joseph


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