May 28th – 30th

May 30th

Migration is definitely winding down as Ruthven’s soundscape at dawn contained very little that wasn’t local. There are still a few migrants trickling through but the great push has passed us by.

There was 5mm of rain last night so walking the overgrown river trail on census was more akin to wading through the river than anything else. Since my pant legs were fashionably tucked into the top of my wellies, the rainwater and dew clinging to the tall vegetation lovingly ran down my legs and pooled in my boots. Uncomfortable? Oh yes, particularly as the day wore on. A successful, if novel, way of saving water for later drinking when the day got hot? Umm, no.

There were a surprising number of American Goldfinch about, mostly in pairs furtively searching for nesting sites. One of these birds was originally banded in 2005 as a SY – making it 5 years old.

There were 59 species recorded on the day.

Tomorrow (May 31st) is our last day of spring migration monitoring. If you were waiting for your opportunity to shower the banding staff with bottles of single malt (blends will do nicely in a pinch) and baked goodies Sunday will be your final opportunity.

Banded: 22
American Redstart 3
American Goldfinch 6
Blue-Winged Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 1
“Traill’s” Flycatcher 1
Song Sparrow 1
Grey Catbird 5
Red-Winged Blackbird 1
Baltimore Oriole 2
European Starling 1

Retrapped: 21
American Goldfinch 7
Mourning Warbler 1
Common Yellowthroat 2
Yellow Warbler 3
Canada Warbler 1
House Wren 1
Indigo Bunting 1
Song Sparrow 1
Grey Catbird 1
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak 2
American Robin 1


May 29th

A fairly typical late spring day. There was a bit of variety in terms of the migrants that were around, but no migrants were in the park in great numbers.

There was one new bird for the season, though–a White-eyed Vireo. This bird was trapped in net #10 (in the valley behind the mansion (on the side opposite the river). However, it was not observed or heard anytime before or after banding. It was a second year bird (sex unknown).

Another first for the year was the bander sleepover the night before. I didn’t have a drive out in the morning, so I had to sleep at the station on Thursday night. This creates all sorts of interesting sightings when I’m walking around groggy in the morning. I can’t be sure, but I’m pretty sure I heard a Bachman’s Warbler and an Ivory-billed Woodpecker.

Banded 26:
White-eyed Vireo 1
Traill’s Flycatcher 2
Tree Swallow 1
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 1
Eastern Bluebird 1
Gray Catbird 2
Cedar Waxwing 3
Red-eyed Vireo 2
Magnolia Warbler 1
Blackburnian Warbler 1
American Redstart 1
Mourning Warbler 2
Canada Warbler 1
Chipping Sparrow 1
Field Sparrow 1
American Goldfinch 4

Retrapped 10:
Tree Swallow 1
Black-capped Chickadee 1
Gray Catbird 2
Yellow Warbler 4
Canada Warbler 1
Indigo Bunting 1

53 species observed on the day. No census was conducted.


The second year White-eyed Vireo banded on May 29th

The second year White-eyed Vireo banded on May 29th

May 28th

I didn’t receive a banding report, but Loretta banded about 26 birds, I believe.

One thought on “May 28th – 30th

  1. I challenge any banding station to let us know if any of their banders have slept over at their station in order to carry out the census and banding in the following morning. Kudos to our Jeff for hanging out at Ruthven overnight Friday. Jeff definitely deserves the volunteer of the month award !

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