May 4th – Another Lovely Day!

Palm Warbler.     -R. Mueller

Palm Warbler. -R. Mueller

I’m feeling a little whacked out after this long spell of early mornings so I’m going to hold off on the prose, give you some numbers, and show you some lovely pictures from a couple of guys that know what they’re doing: Rob Mueller and John Mills.

Banded 41:
2 Mourning Doves
1 House Wren
5 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
1 American Robin
1 Nashville Warbler
4 Yellow Warbler
1 Ovenbird
1 Common Yellowthroat
6 Chipping Sparrows
3 Song Sparrows
4 White-throated Sparrows
3 Eastern White-crowned Sparrows
1 Red-winged Blackbird
2 Brown-headed Cowbirds
6 American Goldfinches

ET’s: 61 spp

Photo Gallery:

Eastern Bluebird in the cemetery.   -R. Mueller

Eastern Bluebird in the cemetery. -R. Mueller

Bluebird.                  -R. Mueller

Bluebird. -R. Mueller

Great Crested Flycatcher.     -R. Mueller

Great Crested Flycatcher. -R. Mueller

Patty with her first close-up encounter.           -R. Mueller

Patty with her first close-up encounter. -R. Mueller

Turkey Vulture.        -R. Mueller

Turkey Vulture. -R. Mueller

White-throated Sparrow.          -R. Mueller

White-throated Sparrow. -R. Mueller

Zeny releasing a Chipping Sparrow.             -R. Mueller

Zeny releasing a Chipping Sparrow. -R. Mueller

Female Yellow Warbler.              -J. Mills

Female Yellow Warbler. -J. Mills

Faye explaining the finer points.            -J. Mills

Faye explaining the finer points. -J. Mills

Checking for fat.              -J. Mills

Checking for fat. -J. Mills

Blue-winged Warbler.   -J. Mills

Blue-winged Warbler. -J. Mills

Female and male Brown Cowbirds.               -J. Mills

Female and male Brown Cowbirds. -J. Mills

Kyle and Bailey doing a snake inventory.              -J. Mills

Kyle and Bailey doing a snake inventory. -J. Mills

House Wren                  -J. Mills

House Wren -J. Mills


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