Here are a bunch of photos that have been piling up in my inbox over the past few weeks! Note that I’ve also created a new page which can be accessed via the sidebar–“Dragonflies at Ruthven.” If you have any images of dragonflies at Ruthven, we would be happy to post them!
Mourning Warbler, May 18th, by Bev Graham
Mourning Warbler, May 18th, by Bev Graham
Indigo Bunting, May 18th, by Bev Graham
Indigo Bunting, May 18th, by Bev Graham
Indigo Bunting, May 18th, by Bev Graham
Killdeer Hatchlings in the Ruthven parking lot, May 17th
Red Admiral “puddling”, May 15th
Christine examining a Kingbird, May 15th
Eastern Kingbird, May 15th
Eastern Kingbird, May 15th
Eastern Kingbird, May 15th
Barn Swallow, May 15th
Rick and Irene Schmidt, celebrating her 90th birthday, May 13th
Rick and the Hamilton Naturalists, May 15th
Rick and the Hamilton Naturalists, May 15th
Rick and the Hamilton Naturalists, May 15th
Rhiannon and a Ruby Crowned Kinglet, May 8th
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