Migration Monitoring – November 5th, 2007

An abbreviated day as cold overnight temperatures delayed the opening of nets while rain prompted an early closure. The first Tundra Swans of the season made an appearance but otherwise things were slow, except, of course, for the ongoing fiesta of goldfinch and the feeders.

Banded: 28
American Goldfinch 24
Slate-Coloured Junco 1
American Tree Sparrow 1
White-Breasted Nuthatch 1
Northern Cardinal 1

Retrapped: 16
American Goldfinch 11
Pine Siskin 1
American Tree Sparrow 1
Black-Capped Chickadee 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Cardinal 1


Carole King spotted and photographed this Bald Eagle on Monday a few kms from Ruthven on the Grand River.


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