Two very different days. The 24th was overcast with light northerly winds – which, one would think, woiuld make for good banding. However, it was quiet along the edges. The only sign of migration was the swallows winging high over the river and river flats. There were a couple of warbler species around as well – the forerunners of the hordes to come (Ihope): Chestnut-sided Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, and Canada Warbler. The rate of capture was 48 birds per 100 net hours.
On the 26th there was a mix of sun and cloud and light easterly winds (easterly winds seem to bring “big” days to Ruthven). You could almost feel the Zugunruhe, “migratory restlessness” – there was lots of movement along both “corridors”: the #10, 2, 4 corridor and the #9, 8 corridor. Swallows were about. And several large flocks (I conservatively estimated 1500) of Common Grackles moved around the area. Today I banded 9 species of warblers – it’s always exciting when they’re on the move; you just don’t know what might turn up in your nets. The rate of capture today was 79 birds per 100 net hours.
August 24 – Banded 24 (14 spp): 1 HAWO, 1 YBFL, 2 TRFL, 1 BCCH, 3 BGGN, 1 AMRO, 1 GRCA, 1 CSWA, 2 MAWA, 1 CAWA, 2 RBGR, 1 SOSP, 1 BAOR, 6 AMGO.
Retrapped 10: 2 DOWO, 4 BCCH, 1 WBNU, 1 GRCA, 2 COYE.
August 26 – Banded 72( 26 spp): 3 EAWP, 2 YBFL, 2 BCCH, 1 WBNU, 1 HOWR, 1 BGGN, 1 VEER, 2 AMRO, 1 CEDW, 5 WAVI, 6 REVI, 1 NAWA, 3 CSWA, 10 MAWA, 1 AMRE, 1 OVEN, 3 NOWA, 3 COYE, 2 WIWA, 1 CAWA, 2 NOCA, 1 RBGR, 2 CHSP, 3 SOSP, 2 COGR, 12 AMGO.
Retrapped 13: 1 DOWO, 1 TRFL, 4 BCCH, 1 WBNU, 1 BGGN, 1 AMRO, 1 GRCA, 1 SOSP, 1 HOFI, 1 AMGO.