Ruthven Nature Blog Photo Gallery

After a little bit of work, the Nature Blog Photo Gallery is now online. I’m not nearly finished adding pictures to it, but feel free to browse the pictures that are currently online.

A few notes about using the gallery:

1. On the main page you will see several folders. Click on a folder name to browse the pictures inside the folder.
2. Once inside a folder, clicking a ‘thumbnail’ of a photo will display a larger version of that photo. If you want to see the larger version of all photos in that album, clicking the (larger) photo currently on your screen will allow you to move through the larger photos like a slideshow. There are also ‘previous’ and ‘next’ buttons at the bottom right to control this slideshow.
3. Use the links at the top right of the page (in fairly small font size) to go back to the main page, or up an album level.
4. There is no comment functionality on that site yet, but I hope to get it setup.

I’ll be using the ‘Banding Photos’ folders to add the photos I receive from visitors and the banders. This album will be segregated into sub-albums, organized by day.

I also plan to setup several other albums, such as ‘Ruthven Scenes’, ‘Bird Photos’, ‘Butterflies’, ‘Plants’, etc… In these albums I’ll put the most interesting photos that appear in the ‘Banding Photos’ album, and anything else that seems appropriate.

Visit the album by clicking here, or pasting this URL in your browser:

Also, you can visit the gallery within this website by clicking the most recently added photo which now appears in the sidebar of this page. The gallery isn’t quite as nice when viewed this way, so I would suggest just using the link to the actual page, which should also appear in the sidebar soon.


3 thoughts on “Ruthven Nature Blog Photo Gallery

  1. Pingback: Migration Monitoring - May 29th, 2007 | Ruthven Park Nature Blog

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