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The Red-Breasted Nuthatch that was banded today. These are a bit of a rarity at Ruthven.

Jeff checking out the muscle and fat-load on the Nuthatch. Does anyone have thoughts about the sex, age, and fat load of this bird? There are three pictures you can use. Leave a comment. (Brian, if you remember, maybe you can comment on what you called it–I can’t remember.)
Brian removing the Hermit Thrush attached to the tick we found in net #6.
Jeff banding one of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet trapped today.
A better look at the Kinglet being banded above. All but one of the Ruby-Crowned Kinglets trapped today were male.
There are a few pairs of Eastern Bluebirds around the property now. This guy was sitting in the woods near another bluebird, a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, and the Nashville Warbler Brian spotted.
The willow near the banding station is now quite colorful.
Another decent day at Selkirk. The best bird netted today at Selkirk I released unbanded, namely a female RTHU. This is the first April RTHU I have had in Selkirk and from what I can remember may be my first ever April Ontario Sighting. Since I am now in my 51st spring of serious birding I considered this significant.
Banded: RCKI 10, HETH 4, AMRO 3, BTNW 1, SOSP 2, WTSP 3= 23