When the summer weather starts to change and the month of August comes to an end certain fall-like weather patterns occur that encourage the birds to move south with the fall migration. This morning it was clear and cool when the nets were opened and the weather was more like a ‘fall’ day with the breeze in the northwest and the sky was full of cumulus clouds. A beautiful day to enjoy with the pleasant temperatures and to watch and to keep an eye on the sky, looking for migrating birds. Birds of interest included – one Broad-winged Hawk, one Common Nighthawk, one adult Bald Eagle, and four Scarlet Tanagers that were banded (one adult and three young that were together in the net).
Banded 31:
Mourning Dove – 1
Eastern Wood-Peewee – 1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher – 1
Traill s’ Flycatcher – 1
Black-capped Chickadee – 1
Wood Thrush -3
Gray Catbird – 1
Cedar Waxwing – 3
Warbling Vireo – 1
Philadelphia Vireo – 1
Red-eyed Vireo – 3
Tennessee Warbler – 2
Magnolia Warbler – 2
Bay-breasted Warbler – 1
Wilson’s Warbler – 1
Canada Warbler – 1
Scarlet Tanager – 4
Song Sparrow – 3
Retrapped 4:
Eastern Tufted Titmouse – 1
Brewster’s Warbler – 1
Gray Catbird – 1
Song Sparrow – 1
ET’s – 51 spp.