These are some posts that I forgot to get online a few days ago. October 5th was Selkirk’s best day so far this fall.
Reminder: You can find interpretations for the four-letter alpha codes used in the banding reports using the link on the left side of the page titled “Interpret Four-Letter Alpha Codes.”
October 5, 2006
A good day!! Banded: EAPH 1, BCCH 1, BRCR 8, WIWR 1, GCKI 6, RCKI 39, SWTH 2, HETH 12, AMRO 2, GRCA 2, REVI 1, NAWA 1, OCWA 2, MYWA 8, WPWA 2, OVEN 1, WTSP 12, EWCS 1, SCJU 4 = Total of 106
October 4, 2006
Rained out!
October 3, 2006
Banded the following during the infrequent sunny break: SSHA 2, EAPH 1, BRCR 1, GCKI 4, RCKI 2, AMRO 1 = Total of 11